Jun 15, 2021 - 09:15 AM
When installing and setting up the Macromatic CAH20A2AH current sensing relay, use two #6 screws to mount it to the enclosure. Then flip the selector switch so it is set for Overcurrent Sensing or Undercurrent Sensing. The current carrying wire should then be looped through the built-in transformer. It can be looped through multiple times if necessary. Set the Trip Current with the lower dial, indicating the point at which the relay will show that there's a fault. Set the Time Delay with the top dial, indicating the amount of time the fault has to continuously occur before the relay will indicate that there's an error. Then make sure the relay is connected properly according to the wiring diagram pictured below. Connections are made via the 0.25" terminals.
For further info on how this relay operates, here is the full installation manual: